Главная - Пресса - Бриттен и Прокофьев в Брюсселе

Бриттен и Прокофьев в Брюсселе

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Kochanovsky maintained a relentless march rhythm with the help of bass and snare drums to the resounding battle cries on low brass, as the woodwinds provided some relief in an interlude […] Oozing with lush lyricism and sensitivity where necessary, as in Romeo’s Variation and Love Dance, the orchestra proved it was also capable of a shrill tone and sharp exchanges in Meeting of Tybalt and Mercutio and The Duel […] Kochanovsky left nothing to chance, and it showed. His meticulous attention to the kaleidoscopic range of orchestral colours and the timbres of the instruments in different combinations bore fruit.

Alan Yu, bachtrack